Monday, June 30, 2014

Create a simple file system

This post is about creating a simple file system and load with QEMU(X86).
  1. QEMU
  2. Kernel BzImage
  3. Busy box 
Step 1: For Installing QEMU on ubuntu machine
      sudo apt-get install qemu-system
Step 2: Download kernel from and compile the kernel for bzImage
Step 3: Download the busybox from
      /* Create a folder for holding folders*/          
      $ mkdir myfilesys

      /* Go to busybox folder and compile*/
      $ make menuconfig             <-- In this step select "Statically linked busybox"
      $ make
      $ make install CONFIG_PREFIX=path/to/myfilesys

      /* Create the standard directories */
      $ mkdir dev etc etc/init.d bin proc mnt tmp var var/shm  
      $ chmod 755 . dev etc etc/init.d bin proc mnt tmp var var/shm

      /* dev folder settings */
      $ mknod tty c 5 0
      $ mknod console c 5 1
      $ chmod 666 tty console
      $ mknod tty0 c 4 0
      $ chmod 666 tty0
      $ mknod ram0 b 1 0
      $ chmod 600 ram0
      $ mknod null c 1 3
      $ chmod 666 null

      /*  etc folder settings */ 
      $ cd myfilesys/etc/
      $ vi init.d/rcS        <-- Create a file name "rcS" and add the following command
         #! /bin/sh
         mount -a # Mount the default file systems mentioned in /etc/fstab.
      $ chmod 744 init.d/rcS
      $ vi fstab             <-- Create fstab file and copy the following content
             proc  /proc      proc    defaults     0      0
             none  /var/shm   shm     defaults     0      0
      $ chmod 644 fstab
      $ vi inittab           <-- Create inittab file 
      $ chmod 644 inittab

      /* Create an ext2 filesystem image by running these commands */ 
      $ dd if=/dev/zero of=my.img bs=1M count=2
      $ mkfs.ext2 -N 512 my.img

      /* mount the filesystem and copy the folders which created early (myfilesys contents)*/
      $ mount -t ext2 my.img /mnt
      $ cp -fr myfilesys/* /mnt
      $ umount /mnt
Step 4: Now we have bzImagefile system and installed QEMU. Issue the following command for loading our images.
     $ qemu-system-i386 -kernel bzImage -hda my.img -append=/dev/sda
Now QEMU loads newly build kernel and file system. Hurrayyyyyyy !!! We made it. If you want to explore further , try creating new directories, do some extra stuff :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey,Jey.Thanks for your post!This article just helped me a lot.But i think the BusyBox should be static builed,or the Linux kernel can't mount the img file rightly.
